Platinum Sponsor
Visibility:Sponsors will be highlighted on our websitemajor and Sponsors, in promotional materials, social networks, events, fairs, activities and the media, which will value their visibility and reputation as companies committed to the
atmosphere. They will have the right to one of the arts made with recycled material made by the children and the community and will bewill a Mural in honor of your company.
Corporate social responsibility: Being part of our project will allow them to demonstrate their
concern for the future of the planet and will contribute to education and sustainability
Community development.
Contribution to positive change: They will help train future generations as advocates of
environment, promoting a long-term ecological culture.
Gold Sponsor
Visibility:Sponsors will be featuredOn our websitemajor and Sponsors, in promotional materials, social networks, events, fairs, activities and the media, which will value their visibility and reputation as companies committed to the environment. They will have the right to one of the arts made with recycled material made by the children and the community
Corporate social responsibility: Being part of our project will allow them to demonstrate their concern for the future of the planet and will contribute to the education and sustainability of the community.
Contribution to positive change: They will help train future generations as defenders of the environment, promoting a long-term ecological culture.
Silver Sponsor
Visibility:Sponsors will be featured onOn our websitemajor and Sponsors, in promotional materials, social networks, events, fairs, activities and the media, which will value their visibility and reputation as companies committed to the environment.
Corporate social responsibility: Being part of our project will allow them to demonstrate their concern for the future of the planet and will contribute to the education and sustainability of the community.
Contribution to positive change: They will help train future generations as defenders of the environment, promoting a long-term ecological culture.
Bronze Sponsor
Visibility:Sponsors will be highlighted on our website, in promotional materials, social networks, events, fairs and activities that will enhance their visibility and reputation as companies committed to the environment.
Corporate social responsibility: Being part of our project will allow them to demonstrate their concern for the future of the planet and will contribute to the education and sustainability of the community.
Contribution to positive change: They will help train future generations as defenders of the environment, promoting a long-term ecological culture.

"The World in our Hands"